The template is built using the powerful Gantry 5 framework, which provides a user-friendly interface for customizing the template's layout and design. The framework also includes a variety of pre-built particles, which are customizable building blocks that can be used to add various features to your website, such as social media icons, galleries, and contact forms.
RT Chapelco includes several pre-built page layouts, including a home page with a full-screen slideshow, a portfolio page with a customizable grid layout, and a blog page with multiple layout options. The template also includes support for a variety of third-party extensions, such as Joomla's built-in content editor, K2, and VirtueMart.
Overall, RT Chapelco is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a modern and flexible Joomla template that is easy to customize and comes with a range of built-in features and design options.